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What is LACFB Kids’ Ag Day?
Kids’ Ag Day is filled with valuable hands-on educational experiences for 3rd & 4th grade students. It provides a fun and exciting way for teachers to address the Common Core State Standards by engaging the students in meaningful ways in order to better understand that “Agriculture is more than the food you eat”.
Why is Kids’ Ag Day Important?
This event is dedicated to helping students and teachers gain an understanding of how agriculture provides the daily essentials necessary to make our society and our world function. From the food we eat to the clothes we wear, to the water we use, agriculture affects us all. Incorporating agriculture into the classroom provides students with connections to the real world, helping them develop critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Who Participates in Kids’ Ag Day?
Volunteer’s from organizations such as the Antelope Valley Fair Association, Antelope Valley Historical Society, Los Angeles County Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures, Los Angeles County 4-H/University of California Continuing Education, Antelope Valley Resource Conservation District, National Resources Conservation Service and many more.
Who is Los Angeles County Farm Bureau?
The Los Angeles County Farm Bureau is a non-governmental, non-profit, membership based corporation whose purpose is to protect and promote agricultural interests, find solutions to problems of the farm, the farm home and the rural community.
Please click here for the Participant/Volunteer Registration Form
Teacher Registration Form
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