
Young Farmers and Ranchers


The California Farm Bureau Federation’s Young Farmers and Ranchers Program is an outstanding agriculture organization for young people between the ages of 18 & 30. Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) gives individuals the opportunity to meet new friends who share similar interests, discuss problems and issues affecting agriculture and to make a difference with a voice in agriculture through YF&R, Farm Bureau and legislative involvement. One can also develop valuable knowledge, concepts and attitudes that can be utilized today and later in life.

YF&Rs are one of the most important entities of a county Farm Bureau. They provide the leadership of tomorrow and the new ideas to help Farm Bureau keep up with the constantly changing world of today’s agriculture.

The Young Farmers & Ranchers Program offers an excellent opportunity for you to participate in activities designed to develop leadership and communication skills, and share in family activities through various motivational, educational, and social activities. Some of these activities include:

  • Discussion Meet Contest
    The Discussion Meet Contest is designed to offer 18-30 year old YF&Rs, who are active voting members of their county Farm Bureau’s, the opportunity to discus issues affecting agriculture today. It is not a debate or a speech contest, but rather a group discussion. The California Farm Bureau Federation along with the Bank of America, Yamaha and Allied Insurance are currently active sponsors of this very worthwhile program.
  • Outstanding Young Farmer & Rancher of the Year Award
    This program recognizes California young farmers or ranchers for their high achievement in agriculture production, management and leadership; and to surface additional young farmers and ranchers for participation within Farm Bureau.
  • Young Farmer & Rancher Leadership Conference
    At this conference you will have the opportunity to share your agricultural experiences, both successes and failures. Attendees will return home with an increased understanding of the agricultural industry.
  • Bureau Federation Political Action Committee (FARM PAC)
    Farm Pac is an unincorporated, non-profit organization established in 1976 to strengthen the voice of agriculture in government. Its basic goal is to support or oppose state ballot measures and candidate race. Currently, the YF&R Farm Pac Raffle has donated over one-half million dollars to FARM PAC.
  • Urban Legislative Awareness Program (ULAP)
    This is a yearly opportunity for YF&Rs to participate in legislative briefings on state and national issues. The Farm Bureau president will discuss Farm Bureau issues and areas of concerns. You will meet with CFBF lobbyists and personally meet with urban legislators from your district as well as those who are strong supporters of the industry.

The public’s perception of agriculture requires that we take a more proactive role in facing the issues of labor, land, pesticides, water and animal welfare.

Only with strong leadership and a commitment to making Young Farmers & Ranchers a stronger and more vital representative for agriculture, will we be meeting our challenges and goals. For more information on Los Angeles County’s YF&R program please contact us. For information on Young Farmers and Ranchers programs throughout California, please contact CFBF at www.cfbf.com/programs/yfr/index.cfm
